During the holy month of Ramadan, it is sad to witness hundreds of accidents and dozens of fatalities every year. Ramadan is a very special time and it is all about being with the ones close to you, which creates a lot of traffic!
This festive time also brings unique challenges for all traffic participants.
RoadSafetyUAE analyzed with leading auto insurance companies Ramadan specific claims data in previous years and a consistent story emerged over the years. This allows us to come up with meaningful insights aimed at raising awareness and protecting UAE road users, especially during Ramadan.
How to do it right:
Be aware of your own limitations!
Watch out for other traffic participants potentially under the same effects, especially if you are a vulnerable road users (motorcycle rider, micro-mobility user, pedestrian)!
Expect the unexpected – we all MUST drive defensively!
Start your trip early considering possible delays.
You can run a little bit late – people will understand.
Watch out in the pre-Iftar time!
Watch out in the late morning rush-hour!
Stay off the roads in these 2 key accident periods, it possible.
Avoid fatigue and get enough sleep.
Pull over immediately when you becoming drowsy.
Use public transport or taxis.
Always wear your seat belt – Ramadan is a good time to finally start this habit!
Don’t drive distracted!
Be respectful to others and don’t maneuver abruptly – use your indicator!
Maintain the safety distance – no tailgating!
Thomas Edelmann, Founder & Managing Director of RoadSafetyUAE states: “The Ramadan period poses a specific challenge to UAE road users and we want to contribute from our side to keep everyone safe on the road. UAE motorists need to be especially careful with regards to the behavior of other drivers in Ramadan, as in more than 50% of accidents third party is at fault and in 36% it is shared fault.
“Between 1 to 4pm in the pre-Iftar time of the day, most accidents are taking place (35%), followed by the late morning rush hour from 9-12pm (21%). Wednesdays are the most dangerous week days, while the weekends are the safest. Motorists in the age bracket of 30-39 years are most vulnerable, followed by the segment of 40–49 year olds. Accident claims by nationality seem to follow the demographic distribution.”
The pre-Iftar rush on the roads can be explained as a mix of psychological urges and physical needs, and motorists might use this as an excuse to misbehave on the roads.
The Ramadan specific lifestyle has physical effects on our body. Fasting can result in dehydration and low blood sugar, which in turn can affect our attentiveness, concentration, vision and reaction. In addition to fasting, the often unusual meal and social engagement timings, as well as unusual sleeping patterns can cause fatigue, exhaustion, impatience and distraction, which might explain the early morning accident peaks.
Hence, ALL traffic participants (motorists, pedestrians, motorcycle riders, bicyclists, etc.) must be extra careful in this time!
Party at Fault
Category | Claims | Percentage |
3rd Party | 669 | 51% |
Own Driver + 3rd Party | 481 | 36% |
Day Time of Claims
Time | Claims | Percentage |
9-10 AM | 107 | 10% |
11-12 AM | 129 | 11% |
1-2 PM | 185 | 16% |
3-4 PM | 217 | 19% |
5-6 PM | 136 | 12% |
9-10 PM | 110 | 10% |
Age Bracket of Claims
Age Group | Claims | Percentage |
60+ | 15 | 3% |
50-59 Years | 83 | 14% |
40-49 Years | 200 | 34% |
30-39 Years | 267 | 45% |
Below 30 Years | 22 | 4% |
Total Analyzed | 587 | 100% |
Weekdays of Claims
Day | Claims | Percentage |
Monday | 217 | 16% |
Tuesday | 204 | 15% |
Wednesday | 247 | 19% |
Thursday | 212 | 16% |
Friday | 173 | 13% |
Saturday | 155 | 12% |
Sunday | 113 | 9% |
Total Analyzed | 1321 | 100% |